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Exploring the Process: How Virtual Interior Design Services Work

In recent months, I've witnessed a remarkable shift in my interior design practice. Clients have reached out to fulfill their needs, and here's the kicker – I've never even set foot in their spaces. That's right, I've been designing for them entirely virtually. It's a whole new world, one where our tools are more advanced than ever, enabling designers to deliver projects faster and with exceptional quality, even from a distance.

But how do you know if virtual interior design is the right fit for you?

The ideal virtual interior design client is someone who relishes taking the reins – at least, mostly. They may find themselves grappling with a room's layout, struggling to pinpoint the perfect design direction, and contending with the ever-present decision fatigue that often accompanies starting a project.

That overwhelming feeling is precisely why designers like me are here to help. We provide you with options, guiding you through the buying process and empowering you to bring your vision to life. Whether you need assistance with selecting the right pieces of furniture or deciding on the perfect color palette, virtual interior design offers the support and expertise you need, all without ever leaving the comfort of your home. So if you're ready to embark on your design journey, let's explore the endless possibilities together – virtually.

Benefits of Virtual Interior Design

  • Personalized design that fits your style and  project needs

  • More cost-effective than traditional in-person design. Clients can save on travel expenses, consultation fees, and sometimes even on the cost of furnishings and materials.

  • Clients can access virtual interior design services from the comfort of their homes. This eliminates the need for in-person meetings and allows for flexibility in scheduling consultations.

  • Virtual design can expedite the design process since it eliminates the need for time-consuming site visits. Designers can work efficiently by utilizing digital tools and technology.

Virtual Interior Design Process 

1 | Get Started

To get started, simply fill out the project inquiry form. This information gets passed directly onto me and I will review and respond as soon as possible. The project inquiry form does request that you upload some inspiration images. Often the best place to find inspiration is through internet search or Pinterest. This will give me a first look at your design preferences and what you are drawn to. It will also help me to ensure that my design style and work will meet your needs.


2 | Discovery

3 | Client Intake

4 | Refine

5 | Source

6 | Install at your own pace


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